Scared Money Don’t Make Money!
I have been known to dibble and dabble in different “get rich quick” / “pay now, confess later” / “climb the cult” schemes and scams in my day. I would not label my younger self as naive, but my desire to find a break through from the typical 9-5 lifestyle was at it’s peak during school.
Imagine frequently hearing pitches from multiple people who sensed an eagerness only a fresh twenty something would emit.
Refreshing right?
Too many to name at the top of my head and none to claim as my own residual cash flow today. What a waste! Looking back, I’m not sure where to place the blame.
Of course, my first instinct was not to blame myself, oh no chile! But, a quickening thought from the Lord said “Now, Kyarah. Were you fully doing your part? Or were you agreeing to what they sold, paid what they told, and complained about what they owed?” Well Lord, I’m here to say…
You are right. The numerous multi-level marketing companies I enrolled in previously all shared two things, my lack of commitment and expectation. Growing up, I always heard disappointing outcomes from these service distributors and none left an ounce of hope for my success within in this gamble of a career. The risks are high when you decide to convince yourself to adapt to a culture of soliciting neighbors, friends, and family to buy into a product or service you can only hope will make you the first millionaire in the family.
Let’s say you were asked by a long distant cousin to watch a 2 minute video about a company she recently joined.
Although you two have not spoken since last Christmas, your cousin willingly mustered up the audacity to petition you as a perspective business partner. Oddly enough, you said “Yes. I will watch the video.” As you listened to the CEO and breadwinner of the company explain the ground breaking results their company’s products/services are creating, you have already made one of two observations:
You have never heard of this company prior to watching the video.
You have heard sketchy things about this company.
Regardless of what you heard in the two minute video played by your anxious cousin, the concept of converting your time into a possibly lucrative stream of income with an excessive marketing base career was too unfamiliar for you.
So, if you’re like me, the first thing you envision about this questioning endeavor is rejection.
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
-Wayne Gretzky
I’ll be honest, when I agree to become a distributor of a MLM….
the devil is IMMEDIATELY BOMBARDING my thoughts with rejection scenarios.
“No one will take you seriously.”
“You will never convince people to buy your product or brand.”
“Who will you ask?”
“You do not have enough friends to recruit into this business.”
“You do not have enough followers on social media”
“You are not consistent enough.”
These discouraging thoughts will crush anyone’s ambition to succeed! For me, this negativity created fear within myself and the business I chose to join. Unfortunately, I have allowed stinky thinking and clouded judgment like this to hinder my willingness to progress in companies that require me to grind and hustle in order to witness the fruits of my hard work and labor.
So, how do I handle the hustle?
According to my current employer, hustle is the ability to keep moving forward regardless of how many times someone is knocked down. According to Kyarah, the synonym for hustle is hard work. Stepping out on faith and overcoming the obstacles that are faced in sales require determination and persistence. Not only is there pressure from making it happen but there is also pressure in making it make sense. The moment you decide to silence the doubt in your head, you commit to stepping outside of your comfort zone into a new realm of possibilities.